Print ad sizes

Media/size 2/1 1/1 back cover 1/2 vertical 1/2 horizontal 1/4 vertical 1/4 horizontal 1/4 square
Alibi 420 x 280 210 x 280 210 x 250 102 x 280 210 x 136 52 x 280 210 x 68 102 x 138
Anna 460 x 297 230 x 297 230 x 267 111 x 297 230 x 146 61 x 297 230 x 70 111 x 146
Deko 460 x 297 230 x 297 230 x 267 111 x 297 230 x 146 61 x 297 230 x 70 111 x 146
Erä 420 x 275 210 x 275 210 x 245 102 x 275 210 x 135 49 x 275 210 x 66 102 x 135
Golflehti 434 x 280 217 x 280 217 x 250 106 x 280 217 x 138 42 x 250 195 x 57 95 x 125
Hymy 420 x 297 210 x 297 210 x 267 102 x 297 210 x 146 52 x 297 210 x 70 102 x 146
Kanava 376 x 248 188 x 248 188 x 218 94 x 248 188 x 124
Kippari 420 x 275 210 x 275 210 x 245 102 x 275 210 x 135 49 x 275 210 x 66 102 x 135
Kotiliesi 460 x 297 230 x 297 230 x 267 111 x 297 230 x 146 61 x 297 230 x 70 111 x 146
Kotiliesi Käsityö 460 x 297 230 x 297 230 x 267 111 x 297 230 x 146 61 x 297 230 x 70 111 x 146
Kotilääkäri 460 x 297 230 x 297 230 x 267 111 x 297 230 x 146 61 x 297 230 x 70 111 x 146
Koululainen 434 x 280 217 x 280 217 x 250 106 x 280 217 x 138 55 x 280 217 x 68 106 x 138
Maalla 460 x 297 230 x 297 230 x 267 111 x 297 230 x 146 61 x 297 230 x 70 111 x 146
Metsästys  ja Kalastus 420 x 275 210 x 275 210 x 245 102 x 275 210 x 135 49 x 275 210 x 66 102 x 135
Parnasso 376 x 248 188 x 248 188 x 218 94 x 248 188 x 124
Seura 420 x 280 210 x 280 210 x 250 102 x 280 210 x 136 52 x 280 210 x 68 102 x 138
Seura SuperRistikot 210 x 270 210 x 240
Suomen Kuvalehti 420 x 280 210 x 280 210 x 250 102 x 280 210 x 136 52 x 280 210 x 68 102 x 138
Tekniikan Maailma 420 x 275 210 x 275 210 x 245 102 x 275 210 x 135 49 x 275 210 x 66 102 x 135
TerveysHymy 420 x 280 210 x 280 102 x 280 210×136 52 x 280 210 x 68 102 x 138
TM Rakennusmaailma 420 x 275 210 x 275 210 x 245 102 x 275 210 x 135 49 x 275 210 x 66 102 x 135
TV-maailma 205 x 270 205 x 240
Vauhdin Maailma 420 x 292 210 x 292 210 x 262 102 x 292 210 x 143 49 x 292 210 x 70 102 x 143
Vene 420 x 275 210 x 275 210 x 245 102 x 275 210 x 135 49 x 275 210 x 66 102 x 135
Viva 460 x 297 230 x 297 230 x 267 111 x 297 230 x 146 61 x 297 230 x 70 111 x 146

Print sizes are clean cut sizes to which 5 mm of cutting wastage must be added. Text and other essential elements (frame, logo, image, etc.) may not be placed any closer than 5 mm to the cutting line on the side.

Ads without margins: the ad continues to the side of the page. Elements (images and background) must extend 5 mm over the page edge (cutting wastage). In the materials, frames may not be placed on the page cutting. Don’t place text, logos and other such elements any closer than 5 mm from the cut edge of the page.

Insert sizes for stapled magazines

Stapled magazines Stapled insert Tip-in Glue-drop Contact information
Size of the magazine Minimum size Maximum size Top cutting wastage Bottom cutting wastage Side cutting wastage Gripper margin Minimum size Maximum size Minimum size Maximum size Printer Contact person Phone
Alibi 210 x 280 105 x 148 210 x 280 15 15 5 5 105 x 148 200 x 270 60 x 80 177 x 240 UPC Print, Vaasa, Finland Tuula Ekoluoma +358 6 321 8019
Anna 230 x 297 105 x 160 230 x 297 5 5-13 5 8 105 x 148 210 x 277 60 x 80 190 x 200 PunaMusta, Forssa, Finland Miika Hiltunen +358 50 305 0649
Erä 210 x 275 105 x 148 210 x 275 15 5 – 25 5 8 105 x 148 190 x 255 60 x 80 170 x 200 PunaMusta, Tampere, Finland Pia Mäkelä +358 10 2308332
Hymy 210 x 297 105 x 148 210 x 297 5 5 5 5 105 x 148 200 x 287 60 x 80 177 x 240 UPC Print, Vaasa, Finland Tuula Ekoluoma +358 6 321 8019
Kippari 210 x 275 105 x 148 210 x 275 5 5 5 8 105 x 148 190 x 255 60 x 80 170 x 225 PunaMusta, Tampere, Finland Pia Mäkelä +358 10 2308332
Kotiliesi Käsityö 230 x 297 140 x 140 230 x 297 3 10 5 10 100 x 150 210 x 277 40 x 60 200 x 250 PunaMusta, Forssa, Finland Miika Hiltunen +358 50 305 0649
Kotilääkäri 230 x 297 105 x 148 230 x 297 4 9 5 10 105 x 148 210 x 277 60 x 80 190 x 250 PunaMusta, Forssa, Finland Miika Hiltunen +358 50 305 0649
Koululainen 217 x 280 140 x 140 217 x 280 15 15 5 10 100 x 150 197 x 260 40 x 60 200 x 250 PunaMusta, Forssa, Finland Miika Hiltunen +358 50 305 0649
Maalla 230 x 297 140 x 140 230 x 297 3 10 5 10 100 x 150 210 x 277 40 x 60 200 x 250 PunaMusta, Forssa, Finland Miika Hiltunen +358 50 305 0649
Metsästys ja Kalastus 210 x 275 105 x 148 210 x 275 5 5 5 8 105 x 148 190 x 255 60 x 80 170 x 225 PunaMusta, Forssa, Finland Miika Hiltunen +358 50 305 0649
Seura 210 x 280 105 x 148 210 x 280 15 15 5 5 105 x 148 200 x 270 60 x 80 177 x 240 PunaMusta, Tampere, Finland Pia Mäkelä +358 10 2308332
Seura SuperRistikot 210 x 270 140 x 140 210 x 270 15 23 5 10 100 x 150 190 x 252 40 x 60 200 x 250 PunaMusta, Forssa, Finland Miika Hiltunen +358 50 305 0649
Suomen Kuvalehti 210 x 280 105 x 148 210 x 280 15 15 5 5 105 x 148 200 x 270 60 x 80 177 x 240 PunaMusta, Tampere, Finland Pia Mäkelä +358 10 2308332
Tekniikan Maailma 210 x 275 105 x 148 210 x 275 15 5 – 25 5 8 105 x 148 190 x 255 60 x 80 170 x 200 PunaMusta, Forssa, Finland Miika Hiltunen +358 50 305 0649
TM Rakennusmaailma 210 x 275 105 x 148 210 x 275 15 5 – 25 5 8 105 x 148 190 x 255 60 x 80 170 x 200 PunaMusta, Forssa, Finland Miika Hiltunen +358 50 305 0649
Vauhdin Maailma 210 x 292 105 x 148 210 x 292 5 5 – 18 5 8 105 x 148 190 x 272 60 x 80 170 x 200 PunaMusta, Forssa, Finland Miika Hiltunen +358 50 305 0649
Viva 230 x 297 105 x 148 230 x 297 5 5 5 8 105 x 148 210 x 277 60 x 80 190 x 200 PunaMusta, Tampere, Finland Pia Mäkelä +358 10 2308332

The following must be clearly indicated when delivering inserts:
• Advertiser
• Magazine and issue number
• Number of inserts
• Name of the contact person receiving the delivery

Stapled inserts: 
• As break bulk on platforms with parallel-positioned folds or as big folds as possible
• A sheet of cardboard/paper between layers is recommended

Tip-in/glued inserts: 
• As break bulk on platforms or packed in cardboard
• With parallel-positioned or big fold

Glued sample bags/inserts: 
• Packed in cardboard in parallel-positioned layers
• Sheet of cardboard/paper between the layers

Note: Time of delivery for the inserts is 10 working days before the magazine issues release.

Insert sizes for adhesive-bound magazines

Adhesive-bound magazines Adhesive-bound insert Tip-in insert Glue-drop insert Contact information
Size of the magazine Minimum size Maximum size Top cutting wastage Bottom cutting wastage Side cutting wastage Gripper margin Minimum size Maximum size Minimum size Maximum size Printer Contact person Phone
Deko 230 x 297 115 x 160 230 x 297 5 10 5 3 105 x 148 210 x 277 60 x 80 170 x 257 PunaMusta, Joensuu, Finland Sari Vaittinen +358 10 230 8421
Golflehti 217 x 280 115 x 160 217 x 280 15 10 5 3 105 x 148 197 x 260 60 x 80 170 x 240 PunaMusta, Joensuu, Finland Sari Vaittinen +358 10 230 8421
Kanava 188 x 248 140 x 148 188 x 248 5 5 5 3 105 x 148 168 x 228 60 x 80 148 x 200 PunaMusta, Joensuu, Finland Sari Vaittinen +358 10 230 8421
Kippari 2 210 x 275 140 x 148 210 x 275 5 5 5 3 105 x 148 190 x 255 60 x 80 170 x 225 PunaMusta, Joensuu, Finland Sari Vaittinen +358 10 230 8421
Kotiliesi 230 x 297 115 x 160 230 x 297 5 10 5 3 105 x 148 210 x 277 60 x 80 170 x 257 PunaMusta, Joensuu, Finland Sari Vaittinen +358 10 230 8421
Parnasso 188 x 248 140 x 148 188 x 248 5 5 5 3 105 x 148 168 x 228 60 x 80 148 x 200 PunaMusta, Joensuu, Finland Sari Vaittinen +358 10 230 8421
TM Rakennusmaailma 6 210 x 275 140 x 148 210 x 275 15 5 – 25 5 3 105 x 148 190 x 255 60 x 80 170 x 200 PunaMusta, Forssa, Finland Miika Hiltunen +358 50 305 0649
Vene 210 x 275 140 x 148 210 x 275 5 5 5 3 105 x 148 190 x 255 60 x 80 170 x 225 PunaMusta, Joensuu, Finland Sari Vaittinen +358 10 230 8421

The following must be clearly indicated when delivering inserts:
• Advertiser
• Magazine and issue number
• Number of inserts
• Name of the contact person receiving the delivery

Stapled inserts: 
• As break bulk on platforms with parallel-positioned folds or as big folds as possible
• A sheet of cardboard/paper between layers is recommended

Tip-in/glued inserts: 
• As break bulk on platforms or packed in cardboard
• With parallel-positioned or big fold

Glued sample bags/inserts: 
• Packed in cardboard in parallel-positioned layers
• Sheet of cardboard/paper between the layers

Note: Time of delivery for the inserts is 10 working days before the magazine issues release.