Video Advertising

Video is an effective tool for brand advertising that can also be used for tactical measures and introducing more complex products. A well-implemented story makes viewers pay attention and, above all, increases purchase desire.

Videos are the fastest-growing tool for influencing consumers, and 84% of Finnish internet users watch videos online. At this time, 60% of online content is video imaging and this number will increase to 80% in 2018

Otavamedia’s video advertising solutions

A video communicates emotions and stories, effectively commits viewers, is tactical and increases sales. It’s an illustrative, influential and enabling method for presenting complex matters in an understandable and interesting way. It is without a doubt the fastest-growing method of influencing.

Otavamedia’s Muuvi video advertising platform is based on Teads technology. This makes it possible to bring video ads to content selected by the consumer, on all our online sites. There are no separate production costs when the advertiser uses their own advertising films. Otavamedia also has excellent ability to produce tailored video ads for the customer – all the way from design to distribution.

Watch a video to see how the Muuvi video platform works:


Our outstream video advertising solution is a pleasant advertising format for the consumer. Rather than forcing the user to watch ads, the ad is seamlessly placed in the content. This ensures good attention value and an uninterrupted and positive user experience. Outstream is also a fair solution for advertisers, because they only pay for the actual views.

We also produce hundreds of video imaging productions each year and we can provide everything you need for video production.