Otavamedia OMAlle neljä finaalipaikkaa kansainvälisessä Folio Awards -kilpailussa

Vuoden 2017 Folio: Eddie & Ozzie Awardsin finalistit on julkistettu. Otavamedia OMA valittiin alan suurimman kilpailun finaaliin kahdessa parhaan digitaalisen ulkoasun ja kahdessa parhaan ulkoasun sarjassa.

Kelan uusin asiakaspalvelukanava Elämässä.fi lanseerattiin helmikuussa. Niille, jotka eivät viihdy verkossa, Elämässä muotoutuu kerran vuodessa oppaaksi, joka on noudettavissa Kelan toimistoista.

Parhaan digitaalisen ulkoasun Ozzie Digital -palkinnosta kilpailee kaksi Otavamedia OMAn suunnittelemaa ja tuottamaa verkkopalvelua: Keväällä lanseerattu Pauligin baristoille ja kahvihifistelijöille suunnattu lifestyle-kahvimedia Baristainstitute.com kilpailee voitosta B-to-B-app, Standalone Digital Magazine -sarjassa. Kelan henkilöasiakkaille helmikuussa avattu Elämässä.fi-verkkopalvelu kilpailee voitosta Consumer, Standalone Digital Magazine -sarjassa.

Parhaan ulkoasun Ozzie-palkintoa tavoittelee Consumer – Overall Design -sarjassa Alkon asiakaslehti Etiketti sekä B-to-B – Redesign -sarjassa Hartwallin sidosryhmälehti Point. (Voit tutustua finalistitöihin tarkemmin tämän uutisen lopussa.)

Eddie and Ozzie Awards on maailman arvostetuimpia suunnittelukilpailuja verkko- ja printtimedioille. Kilpailuun osallistuu vuosittain satoja medioita ympäri maailman. Kilpailun järjestää yhdysvaltalainen Folio Magazine. Voittajat paljastetaan 11. lokakuuta New Yorkissa järjestettävässä gaalassa.

Viime vuonna Otavamedia OMA voitti parhaan ulkoasun Ozzien uudistamallaan Pauligin Barista -lehdellä. Lisäksi kolme muuta kilpailuun lähetettyä työtä nappasivat kunniamaininnat. Lue voittouutinen tästä.

Folio Awards -finalistien esittelyt:


”Being a barista is more than just a job. It is also a lifestyle. It involves attending to events, reading professional literature, engaging with friends and staying up to date with coffee trends. Finnish based coffee business Oy Gustav Paulig Ab and its Barista Institute trains more than 3 000 baristas every year in Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Russia.

Baristainstitute.com is Paulig’s new media for coffee enthusiasts and its mission is to make sure that barista’s job could be a path to professional advancement and amazing taste experiences. The recently launched site is part of Paulig’s Barista magazine. Barista magazine has attracted great interest among professionals after its facelift in 2016. Baristainstitute.com is built together in partnership with Paulig, Otavamedia OMA and Karhu Helsinki.”


”Elämässä.fi was launched this year and it is the first digital media of the Social Insurance Institution of Finland for single recipients. The digital concept is based on real stories of the people receiving social benefits. The media also brings topical advice and interesting blogs for the readers. The tone of voice has a personal touch and aims to bring a behind-the-scenes feel and human touch for a strong and powerful institution.

The health and welfare sector is changing rapidly, and it is more important than ever to bring insight advice and views for the readers. The digital media attracted more than 50 000 readers in the month after its launch.”


”Etiketti is a magazine for Alko’s customers. Alko is a Finnish state owned alcohol beverage retailer with monopoly. Alko’s goal is to provide the best customer experience and exert an active influence in the community being a pioneer in responsibility. These goals are also part of Etiketti’s mission. Etiketti offers readers fresh and interesting phenomenon and experiece of beverage (e.g. wine and bear), and food culture, being the core of Etiketti. Etiketti is not clearly a food magazine nor a travel magazine, but combines both food and travelling in a unique way. This combination is also Etiketti’s cutting edge providing information which no other magazine in Finland does. Etiketti is distributed in Alko’s retail shops free of charge four times a year.

Etiketti is part of Alko’s multichannel publications among web, video, personnel magazine and intranet. Etiketti retells Alko’s graphic instructions but does not obey it strictly. The typography is chosen in order to function equally in all channels, as well in print, video, and internet. The chosen graphic guidelines are clarity, readability and timelessness. Alko’s main colour is red, which is tuned throught Etiketti. Other than that, the graphic palette is colourless, and therefore the colours are found strongly throughout the pictures.

Since Alko as monopoly is strictly regulated by licensing laws, no beverage brands can be shown in Etiketti. That brings challenges visually as well as text wise.”


”Hartwall is a trendsetter and the leading brewery in the Finnish beverage business with a portfolio of around 40 brands. 181 years old brewery has a strong expertise in consumer buying behavior and it wants to increase its customers’ sales by sharing its fascinating beverage knowledge and facts behind the drinks. This is why Hartwall has been publishing Point magazine for its customers for almost ten years.

Otavamedia OMA redesigned the look and content of Point in spring 2017 and at the same time magazine went online. The new Hartwall Point offers the latest trends, inspiration and ideas for professionals working in restaurants, hotels, cafés and grocery stores. The layout gives more space for tasty photography, and Hartwall’s products have their own home in the end of the magazine.”