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Increase your visibility in the heart of motorsport: Reach your rally audience by advertising on Rallit.fi!

From the Rallit.fi website, you can find a purchasing-powerful and dedicated audience that passionately follows rally racing. Our site offers comprehensive news, results, and videos from the rally world, which keeps our audience active and engaged. By advertising on Rallit.fi, you effectively reach rally fans who are ready to invest in products and services that resonate with their interests. Our site maintains an ongoing dialogue with our audience, creating a trustworthy relationship and increasing the impact of your ads.

As an advertiser, you have the opportunity to target your ads in different ways on the Rallit.fi website to reach the right audience. Our site’s analytics and user data allow for precisely targeted advertising that resonates with rally fans and car enthusiasts. This optimizes the effectiveness of your ads and ensures a better return on your investment.



  • VISITORS / MONTH 306 000
  • VISITORS / WEEK 152 000
  • Average Session Duration (min) 5m 20s

Source: Google Analytics vk 29/2023 average week 18.7.-16.8.2023 and Average Session Duration Piano insight  (October 2023)

User Profile

Site User Profile

Source: Google Analytics vk 29/2023 average week 18.7.-16.8.2023

User interests

TOP-10 User interests besides automobiles and transportation

Source: Piano insight  / Otavamedia 1.st party data (lokakuu 2023)

How can we help?

Niko Vahtera
Key Account Manager
+358 50 359 0577

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