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Luxury for reason

Suomen Kuvalehti is the key to understanding Finnish society. It is a specialist magazine on news and current affairs that investigates, gives background and analyses all relevant issues of our time. The world is full of information – Suomen Kuvalehti helps people see the essential. The magazine’s main topics are economics and politics, science and art. Reliability, independence and quality are characteristics for which Suomen Kuvalehti has been known for more than a hundred years. For these reasons, among others, Suomen Kuvalehti is one of the magazines that has increased its readership in recent years. The average reading time of one issue of the magazine is among the highest in Finnish magazines. 

Suomen Kuvalehti is published 49 times per year. The TV-Maailma television programme guide is distributed weekly with the printed Suomen Kuvalehti magazine. All subscriptions to the magazine also include a digital service. In addition, topical analyses of current social phenomena are available online at, and subscribers have access to an archive of magazines that covers more than a hundred years. Suomen Kuvalehti’s online service can be accessed using either a browser or an application.

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Suomen Kuvalehti

  • Readers 267 000

Total reach

  • Print media + digital media 312 000

Sources: National Readership Survey 2024, Kantar Oy, online visitors FIAM Audience Project August/2023 and Piano Insight (duration).


Reader profile

Visitor profile

Source: National Readership Survey 2023, Kantar Oy, online visitors FIAM Audience Project August/2023.

Interests of readers

Suomen Kuvalehti -magazine's readers are especially interested in following topics
Index figures: Finns’ interest in the topic on average= 100

Source: National Readership Survey 2024, Kantar Oy

Interests of online visitors visitors are especially interested in following topics

Source: National Readership Survey 2023, Kantar Oy

Want to know more?

Tuomo Julmala
Key Account Manager
+358 50 494 9315

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