A skilled renovator hungry for information
TM Rakennusmaailma offers the latest, researched information for both experienced construction enthusiasts and beginners. Anyone interested in improving their own living standards can also get practical guidance on renovations and repairs from the magazine. TM Rakennusmaailma tells people what they can and are allowed to do themselves. The magazine encourages people to build and repair — and save money! Like Tekniikan Maailma, the magazine regularly tests building materials, supplies, tools, machinery and various services in the field in a completely impartial manner.

TM Rakennusmaailma issue 6 is the Official House Catalog of the Oulu Housing Fair, with an additional distribution of 15 000 copies.
The magazine appears 12 times per year. TM Rakennusmaailma also has a digital service at Rakennusmaailma.fi, where you can find such things as news about the field, a digital magazine, and a comprehensive magazine archive.