A bold and touching magazine for a mature adult
Viva encourages adult Finns to enjoy life in all its forms. Viva’s heartfelt reports have nostalgia and shared experiences. Viva gives advice on the turning points of life. Extensive personal stories discuss the joys and sorrows of life without beating around the bush. Viva guides and inspires its readers to exercise, take care of themselves, and find their best style. The magazine offers colourful cultural and travel stories as well as a wealth of useful information on health, housing, saving, retirement, and inheritance issues. With these topics, Viva addresses not only the adult woman but also the men in her life.
Viva values its reader, who is an active agent and is able to invest in their quality of life in many ways – including financially. The reader engages in tourism and culture, reads a lot, manages their health in a variety of ways, nurtures their relationships, and takes care of their loved ones.
The digital content of Viva can be found here. Viva appears 12 times per year.